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Oracle updates Java version numbering in light of recent security vulnerabilities from: (jaxenter)

Following months of concerns over the security of the Java platform, Oracle have finally acted, by introducing a new Java Development Kit (JDK) numbering scheme for future patches.
Currently, security fixing Critical Patch Updates (CPUs) only arrive every three months, to suit the needs of enterprise administrators, while Limited Updates add new functionality and non-security updates. However, with vulnerabilities and emergency patches becoming ever more frequent, Oracle’s hand has been forced to change the structure.

Java 8 gets tougher security and statically-linked JNI libraries from:(jaxenter)

With Java 8 now due for release six months later than originally planned, Chief Architect Mark Reinhold has added a few minor features into the pot.
In his proposal for the delay, Reinhold said that the extra time would permit the addition of a “select few additional features”, mostly security-focused. Today, he announced the additional JEPs - Java Enhancement Proposals, each representing a new language feature - to be included.
Most exciting of these is JEP 178, which introduces

Security woes leave Java 8 delayed from:(

      Java 8 is unlikely to ship until next year as a consequence of the platform’s recent applet-based security issues. According to Mark Reinhold, chief architect of the Java platform, Oracle’s efforts to patch these holes “have inevitably taken engineers away from working on Java 8”.
With the planned September release “no longer achievable”, Reinhold wrote on his blog, something has to give: either dropping

Spring 3 MVC hello world example

Spring 3 MVC hello world example from:(

         Before you start this Spring 3 MVC tutorial, please refer to this new features in spring3 documentation, so that you have a brief idea of what’s new in Spring 3.

Get URI from File

Get URI from File
  The variable of textfile define .txt file location and  output the screen with 


public class MainClass {
  public static void main(String args[]) {
    try {
      File testFile = new File("C:\\tables\\2014\\lol.txt");
    catch (Exception exception) {

Java 8 now set for Spring 2014 release form:(

It’s official - the next major version of Java is now scheduled to arrive on 18 March 2014, six months late than originally planned.
Last week, Chief Architect Mark Reinhold explained that JDK 8 would likely be delayed after priority

EnumSet in Java - RegularEnumSet vs JumboEnumSet FROM:(

EnumSet in Java is a special implementation of Set interface added back in Java 1.5, when Enum was first introduced into the Java Programming language. Surprisingly so many years after the Java 1.5 release (released 30th September 2004, codenamed Tiger), a lot of Java programmers are still unaware of several good features that were introduced. EnumSet is one of such example which can be really useful and provides greater performance when compared to other Set implementations for Enum constants. When I discussed EnumMap in Java on my blog I wanted to mention EnumSet as well, but couldn't find the time. However, reading a recent Interview question about How EnumSet is implemented in Java from one of my readers triggered this post. Indeed, EnumSet is becoming popular in Java interviews because of its high performance and specialized use with Enum constants. In this Java tutorial, we will talk about what EnumSet means for Java, how it's implemented in the form of RegularEnumSet and JumboEnumSet and most importantly when to use EnumSet in Java.

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